11:57 PM

Hi Healthies,

According to the MET department monsoon is around the corner.  Along with the relief from the intensive summer heat it brings infections, food poisoning, diarrhea and other diseases with it.  It does not mean that you should avoid enjoying monsoon but taking little precaution and healthy food you can keep these harmful bacterias away from you.  Little awareness and sensitive choices can restrict monsoon from damaging your body.

Monsoon brings humid and moisture in the air which is the most favorable environment for the fast growth of  harmful bacteria and  viruses.  Humid monsoon not only help these germs to grow, it also slows your digestive and immune system.  This makes your body more susceptible to diseases.  So avoid oily and fatty food and eat easily digestible food throughout the monsoon. This will prevent your stomach from getting upset.

NOTE - Do not ignore fever if it lasts for more than two days. 

Follow these healthy guidelines to stay healthy and safe during monsoon ....

What TO Eat

Eat healthy and balanced diet with protein.  Healthy and easily digestible food is good for your stomach throughout the season.  

Avoid using mustard or sesame oil; use corn or olive oil instead.
Drink lots of water.  This will help you to throw bacterias and germs out of your body regularly.

Fasting once in a week or fifteen days or getting indulge in a complete fruit diet once a week will help in keeping your digestive system on track.

Eat medium or low salt food that will protect your body from water retention.

Eat food with drying effects eg. corn, chickpeas, gram flour, oats etc.

Eat in a good food outlet when out.  Avoid cold foodAlways eat hot food when outside as most of the germs in it are killed by the high temperature.  Eg. Instead of vegetable sandwich order for grilled sandwich.

Green vegetables are always good for your health but wash them properly before cooking.

Oily snacks are very tempting in monsoon but should be avoided or consumed in moderation.

Drink buttermilk as it improves digestion.

Eat food rich in vegetables, fruits and cereals.

Instead of too much fish and meat opt for grilled, tandoori food cooked in less oil and butter.

Eat bitter vegetables and herbs as it prevents infection.  Vegetable and herbs like karela (bitter guard), neem, basil, fenugreek, turmeric are good for this season.

Seasonal fruits like papaya, banana, peaches, pears should be taken after washing them properly.
Nuts and seeds can be consumed in small quantity.

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