7:26 AM
Hi Friends, 

A three years old kid in my neighborhood wears glasses , my cousin in 12th standard has diabetes, his friend has started getting beard at the age of 12 and there are so many examples around us like these. You must be wondering why am I telling you about them. One thing common among them is that everyone is growing older than their original age.

Don't ignore these signs in children. These changes shows that our children are growing older than their actual age. When a class twelfth student suffers from diabetes that means that his blood vessels has started stiffening which happens only in aged people and same is with other cases . We blame genes for premature greying of  hair among children, but actually genes contributes to only 20% of the total factors; other factors are the wear and tear witnessed in the DNA of a children. Dr. Nathan, a lifestyle and anti aging consultant says ," Cells of children are aging" .


The reason is environmental changes and dietary.  The percentage of obesity among children is growing at a very high rate.  Inactive and changing lifestyle and various chemicals used in food now a days are the contributors. 


So indulge your children in some activities and games.  Give them good environment and nutritious diet to see your children grow with their age.


"When diabetes set in at an early age , the child's vessels starts stiffening which happens only in older people.  Technically we are started in a scenerio where the child is aging much faster than his chronological age. " says Vijay Vishwanathan, MD of MV Diabetes Hospital.

"Cells of children are aging.  This in turn, is affecting their organs.  The main cause is obesity while the second is sedentary lifestyle children lead.  " says Nathan, a lifestyle and anti aging consultant.


Watch The Weight Of Your Child - Be aware of healthy child's weight range for the child's weight and height. If your child is becoming overweight, talk to your family doctor or pediatrician and follow their advice. 

Join Your Children At Meal And Snacks Parents who eat with their children help create a healthier approach to eating. Give your child something to eat every 3 to 4 hours. Plan your meals and snacks to include all the necessary nutrients.

Cultivate The Habit Of Healthy Food From An Early Age - Parents have a great influence on their children. Include variety in their food from an early age.  Children who enjoy healthy foods are also less likely to develop a taste for unhealthy combinations of sugar, fat and salt. This in turn reduces their risk of childhood obesity, or even obesity in adulthood. 

Don't Over Control Or Restrict Food Intake - If your child is hungry he will look for high fat food.  Excessive controlling of food intake will lead to food disorder.

Mealtime Is The Funtime - Make family mealtime enjoyable for your child. Stressful environment while taking meal with healthy food will develop a dislike for healthy food in your child. So keep mealtimes fun, and listen to your child about what will make family mealtimes enjoyable for them.

Eat Moderately In Front Of Your Children - Eat the amount and type of food you want your child to eat. Children learn from their parents, especially their mother. They love to copy them and learn eating from them. If you will overeat, your child too. So keep your portion moderate and eat the kinds of foods you would like to see your kids eating.

Limit Juice Intake - Go for natural fruit juice instead of packaged. Word like "flavor" as in "fruit flavor" shows that it's not real. It's only going to increase the sugar intake in your child without any benefit. 

Keep The Kid Active From An Early Age - Even a 3 year old kid can be overweight and can suffer from child obesity if you will not keep them active. Active parents have active kids. Keep your children active for at least an hour a day.

These were some tips to keep the child obesity at bay.


Reference - Times Of India, About.com, Livestrong.com and Some Health Magazines ...