7:38 AM
Hi Healthies,

After discussing Blood Pressure, it's Cause, Prevention and Symptoms we are going to share some natural remedies to cure Hypertension.  Dietry and active lifestyle plays a vital role in regulating your blood pressure.  These simple changes in your food and lifestyle will definitely control your blood pressure and lower your medicine intake.

Follow The Healthy Eating Pattern 

Food has nutrients which plays a major role in regulating your blood pressure. Research shows taking the right nutrient your body need will reduce the risk of developing hypertension (high blood pressure) and lower an already elevated blood pressure.
Research shows that when diet low in fat, oil, saturated fat and cholesterol and rich in fruits, vegetables and low fat diary products reduced blood pressure in them.  Eating plan includes whole grains, poultry, fish, and nuts and has reduced amounts of fats, red meats, sweets, and sugared beverages. 

Reducing the amount of sodium in your diet has a great impact in reducing your blood pressure.  You will be highest benefited from the diet plan if you reduce the sodium intake in combination to the diet plan explained above.  Read the label of your food to check low sodium, zero cholesterol and zero trans fat in your food.  Also avoid fat and high calorie diet.

Maintain Your Weight

Heavy weight people have higher risk of developing Hypertension.  Blood pressure rises with the body weight.  Being obese also increases the risk of heart disease as overweight people has greater chance for developing high blood cholesterol and diabetes.  So control your weight by exercising regularly and trace your calorie intake.

Exercise Regularly

Exercising regularly doesn't mean to get involved in heavy weight training or running on a treadmill at a high speed.  30 minutes brisk walking, cycling, walking, gardening are some easy activities that will help you to control your weight if you keep your calories intake in check If you cannot walk continuously do it in breaks.  Research shows  exercising in small sessions is as beneficial as exercising in a single long session.  Use stairs,  fill your bottle yourself etc. are some easy but effective way to increase activity in your sedentary lifestyle.

Limit Alcohol In Your diet

Not more than two drink for men and 1 for women each day is recommended.  Alcohol increases blood pressure and weight as alcoholic drinks contain calories.

Quit Smoking

Even filtered cigarette injures the walls of the blood vessel and stiffens the arteries.  So smoking is always injurious to health.


Research shows that potassium helps to prevent and control high blood pressure.  

Fruits rich in potassium are Avocados, Banana, Beet, Kiwi, Orange, Pear etc.
Dry Fruits rich in potassium are Dried Apricots, Dates, Figs, Melon Seed, Prunes, Peanuts (dry and roasted), Prunes, Raisins etc.
Dairy rich in potassium are milk (fat free or skim) and plain Yogurt.
Vegetables rich in potassium are Potatoes (Baked, Flesh and with skin), Spinach, Tomatoes etc.

Some Home Remedies- 

Garlic or Lahsun -  Garlic can thin the blood so eases blood flow in the vessels.  Research shows that taking garlic powder helps lowering blood pressure.  Both raw and cooked garlic are beneficial.  Crush 2 garlic with hands and eat it or add five to six drops of garlic juice to four teaspoon of water and have it twice a day. But it is recommended that people taking garlic stop in the weeks before and after any type of surgery.

Hawthorn or Nagphani - Research shows that taking hawthorn supplement helps in reducing diastolic blood pressure.

Lemon - Drink fresh lemon water several times a day without sugar or salt.  This will help in lowering blood pressure and will decrease the chance of heart failure as well.

Fish Oil - There are some researches that shows that DHA found in fish oil lowers blood pressure.

Honey - Consume one to two teaspoon of honey daily if you are suffering from hypertension.  You can make a mixture of one teaspoon each honey and ginger juice and two teaspoon of cumin seed powder and eat it twice a day. Another effective remedy is to mix basil juice and honey in equal amount and have it on an empty stomach daily. 

Beetroot Juice - Beetroot juice is also very effective in lowering blood pressure.

Onion Juice - Eat a medium sized onion daily.  For doubling the benefit mix 1 tsp of onion juice and half teaspoon of honey and have it twice daily.  You will definitely see the improvement.

Banana - Rich source of potassium, this fruit helps to lower blood pressure.

Celery - It reduces stress hormones that constrict blood vessels.  Take stalk of celery along with a glass of water daily or simply munch it.

Coconut water - Tasty and refreshing coconut water is also helpful at lowering blood pressure.

Fenugreek Seed - Take one to two teaspoon of fenugreek seeds and add them in water and boil it for around two minutes. Strain out the fenugreek seeds and with the help of a blender make a paste. Take this paste twice a day, one in the morning on an empty stomach and one in the evening.  Take this regularly to see the improvement.

Watermelon Seed - A compound in watermelon seeds helps in widening blood vessels.  It also improves kidney functions. Take two teaspoons of dried watermelon seeds, crush them gently before adding them in one cup of boiled water. Steep it for around an hour. Then strain it and take four tablespoon of this water at regular intervals in a day.

Also try dried apricots, raisins, currants, orange juice, spinach, zucchini, baked sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, and winter squash.

Massage with sesame oil and warm water shower just before going to bed is also an effective.

Facts - 

Coffee, tea, soda etc. increases the blood pressure temporarily.  So you can take these drinks unless your doctor advices not to have these. 

Research shows that stress does not have any direct connection with elevating the blood pressure but meditation helps to control over-eating.

It is recommended that people taking garlic stop in the weeks before and after any type of surgery.




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