11:45 AM

Despite exercising hard enough and eating well does not guarantee bigger muscles.  You also have to have WHEY PROTEIN as one of the post workout supplement.  We all know protein helps in building muscles and improving sports performance.  So what is this Whey Protein?

Whey protein is a mixture of globular proteins isolated from whey.  Whey is a by product of cheese production.  Whey protein contains large amounts of branched-chain amino acids as well as the full spectrum of amino acids.

During the process of extracting cheese, milk is cogulated and the left over product is Whey (milk serum) that contains everything that is soluble from milk.  The whey is removed after the cheese is processed.  The product that is formed is a 5% solution of lactose in water along with some minerals.  After this the protein has to be dried out from the whey.  One of the many techniques available is spray drying.  In this process, a membrane filtration system is used to separate the protein from the whey. 


The  Whey protein exists in two different forms i.e. Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) & Whey Protein Isolate (WPI).

  • Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC):
       WPC's have typically a low (but still significant) level of fat and cholestrol but, in general, have higher levels of bioactive compounds, and carbohydrates in the form of lactose.  The protein powder that is yielded has 70-80% protein and upto 5% lactose.  People with lactose intolerance will have trouble consuming large amounts of whey protein concentrate.  WPC's are cheaper than WPI's.
  • Whey Protein Isolate (WPI)
    Protein is further purified using a technique called ion-exchange or cross-flow microfiltration to get WPI.  Isolates are processed to remove the fat, and lactose, but are usually lower in bioactivated compounds as well — they are 90%+ protein by weight.  People with lactose intolerance usually don’t have trouble with whey protein isolates.  Whey isolates are relatively costlier to their counterpart as they are more purer.

  1.  Increase Size and Strength

       It improves sports performance because it reduces stress and lowers cortisol levels (hormone that destroys muscle).

  2.  Improves Immunity

      One advantage to including whey protein in your diet regularly is the impact it has on your immunity levels. Immunoglobulin is an antibody that is found in whey protein powder in concentrations of as much as 10-15% and will help to suppress the lymphocyte proliferative response to T cells. 

  3.  Reduces Blood Pressure

  4.  Helps fighting Cancer

       As incidences of cancer are on the rise, doing whatever you can to prevent this deadly disease is important.  Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is one of the best methods to decrease your risk of catching cancer and promoting a strong and healthy immune system.

Researchers have also intensely been studying the impacts of whey protein concentrates on cancer and find that it does have anti-cancer properties. They believe that glutathione stimulation is the primary immune-modulating mechanism through which whey protein can help to decrease the risk of cancer, especially cancer of the liver and pancreas. 

In addition to this, whey protein tends to have an iron-binding property to it, which can help prevent the mutagenic agent from causing oxidative damage to the tissues in the body.
  5. Treatment of Hepatitis

      Research has also been conducted and shown that ingesting whey protein supplementation in those who are currently suffering from Hepatitis B or C can help reduce the patients' serum alanine transferase levels, which is a key factor in recovery.  

It improves sports performance because it reduces stress and lowers cortisol levels - See more at: http://www.hugorivera.net/protein-shakes-supplements.html#sthash.tXlPhCpk.dpuf
It improves sports performance because it reduces stress and lowers cortisol levels - See more at: http://www.hugorivera.net/protein-shakes-supplements.html#sthash.tXlPhCpk.dpuf


The Whey Protein comes in different sizes and with different flavors.  Each one is better than the other.  As the protein becomes better in terms of nutrient contents it becomes costly also.  There are vast number of WPC's and WPI's available in the Indian market.  Some of them are listed below.