11:56 PM

Hi Healthies,

Along with the relief from the intensive summer heat it brings infections, food poisoning, diarrhea and other diseases with it.  It does not mean that you should avoid enjoying monsoon but taking little precaution and healthy food you can keep these harmful bacterias away from you.  Little awareness and sensitive choices can restrict monsoon from damaging your body.


Potatoes, Cauliflower, Lady Finger as they tend to contain more insects and worms during this season. Also avoid cluster Beans,Pigeon Pea, Kidney Beans, Black Grams (Urad) and sprouted grains.  

Avoid fat and heavy oils too throughout this season.  Avoid using mustard or sesame oil, use corn or olive oil instead .

Avoid heavy salt as it promotes water retention and bloating.  Go for medium or low salt diet.

Avoid fruits like watermelon, muskmelon etc which has heavy water content.  Avoid lassi and rice also. These foods can swell your body.

Avoid too much fish and meat.  

Avoid food from roadside vendors (golgappe and kulfi also).  If necessary, eat hot food.  Food on their stall are more prone to the harmful bacterias and viruses in the air  during this season.

Avoid sour food like tamarind, chutneys and pickle as they increase water retention.

Avoid water, juices, buttermilk etc. from roadside vendors in their glasses.  Water is the most contaminated drink throughout this season.  If you are out and thirsty, buy mineral water from a trusted brand.  It will be little expensive but will save you from further expenses of ruined health and doctor.

 Avoid uncooked food as they are more prone to germs.  Throw out food if it has strange odour.

Avoid salads outside, opt for steamed vegetables instead.  Eat raw food only after washing it properly in safe water and peel them before eating.

Milk is full of nutrients but is not good for this season.  Opt for buttermilk, curd instead as they are well known for improving immune system.  Go for pasteurized product instead. Avoid cheese with even little stale smell.

Avoid raw and damaged eggs completely.

Avoid canned foods that are leaking or bulging as leaking food is in directly exposure to harmful viruses in the air.

Avoid storing cooked food in this season.  Eat fresh and properly cooked food instead.  Cover the lid immediately after cooking the food as it attracts germs in the air. 

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