7:50 AM
Hi friend,

Weekends are here and everyone is planning for an outing with friends or family. One thing that one cannot ignore is nature's call during this period. At the time of this emergency you cannot ignore public toilets for their facility, which are the most vulnerable to harmful bacterias, as same facility is used by so many people all day along.  So here are some tips to avoid those harmful germs and bacterias to which you are exposed to when you use public toilets -

1) Carry Paper Napkins -  Make it a habit to carry 3ply face tissues (as they are small in size, so easy to carry) in your bag.  If you do not carry bag keep one or two pieces in your wallet, it won't take much space but will be very helpful in avoiding those harmful bacterias on the lock, door, tap, lid and for flushing .   Don't use bare hand to touch anything. Use these small paper tissues for all these purposes and you will be saved from direct attack of germs on it.

2) Use The Last Toilet In The Row - If there are more than one toilet in the restroom, use the last one as it is always the least used and thus more clean.

3) Use Toilet Rolls Or Just Hover Above It -   If toilet roll are available cover your seat before using it; although it is best not to sit on the seat, just hover closely over it to avoid harmful bacterias there.  Don't let children too to sit on it.

4) Leave the Toilet quickly - As soon as you are finished close the lid, flush and leave the toilet quickly to prevent germs in the air reach into you through your nose.

5) Carry Sanitizer or Paper Soap With You -  It's not necessary that you get the soap there, so carry your own hand sanitizer. Use the paper tissue to touch the soap dispenser if it is there. Almost one-third of infectious illness could be eliminated by proper hand washing.

How to dry hands in the Hand Dryer -

Friends sometimes we don't have paper towels in the public toilet but we get hand dryer there.  Some of us doesn't  use it and others find it irritating.  I am also one of the second type till i didn't know how to use it properly.  So I did some research on the proper usage of  automatic hand dryer and want to share it with you.  I know it's a very easy task for some of us but believe me it is really irritating for most of us, so much that we leave the washroom with wet hands.  After reading these tips you are going to use it confidently -

1) After washing your hand thoroughly, step over to the hand dryer and move your hand under it to start it.  It will read the motion of your hand and start immediately.

2) Don't keep your hand stationary under it.  Rub your hands to provide friction.  This will increase the evaporation of water while drying it with hand dryer.

3) Keep rubbing your hands till they are completely dry.  

This is the most hygienic way to dry your hands in the public toilet as you need not to touch anything.

Follow these hygiene while using Public Restrooms and keep the nasty germs away from you.  If you have some more tips do share here and help others in staying healthy.


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